Fact: The police receive a domestic abuse-related call every 30 seconds.
Yet it is estimated that less than 24% of domestic abuse crime is reported to the police.
Fact: 1 in 4 women in England and Wales will experience domestic abuse in her lifetime.
Domestic abuse feels incredibly isolating, but the numbers tell a different story: you are not alone.
Fact: On average, one woman is killed by an abusive partner or ex every five days in England and Wales.
Fact: It takes, on average, 7 attempts before a woman is able to leave for good.
Leaving an abusive partner is a process, not a single act.
Fact: Domestic abuse can lead women to suicide.
It is estimated that around 3 women a week die by suicide as a result of domestic abuse.
Fact: 20% of children in the UK have lived with an adult perpetrating domestic abuse.
That’s 1 in 5 kids.
Fact: Domestic abuse gets worse during pregnancy.
About 20% of women in Refuge’s services are pregnant or have recently given birth.
Fact: Young girls in the UK report high incidence of sexual violence.
41% of UK girls aged 14 to 17 in an intimate relationship experienced some form of sexual violence from their partner.
Fact: 93% of defendants in domestic abuse cases are male; 84% of victims are female.
And yet, women are three times more likely to be arrested for incidents of abuse.
Fact: Domestic abuse costs the UK an estimated £23 billion a year.
It is not only weighing on our physical and emotional health, but also our economy.
https://refuge.org.uk/what-is-domestic-abuse/the-facts/ (2024)